Bag-“Big shoulder tote”
Bag-“Big shoulder tote”
【Big shoulder tote】
Material:fake leather
【Built to order】
These are built-to-order products, so it takes about 2 months from order to delivery.
Basic size in the pictures is about XS in US/Europe. If you would like bigger size or smaller size, any little changes, Feel free to let us know what you would like when you order♡
You can also ask anything about the items before make the order. Contact us @morpho_hh (Instagram DM)!
⚠️Items in the pictures are samples. The fabrics and details can be changed as little as it doesn’t effect its design and material.
【⚠️Worldwide shipping】
In order to this app’s system, “item shipped”notification will be sent BEFORE it’s completed(in 10days).
Orders can not be canceled after that>_<
We will keep in touch with you with Email until it’s safely shipped♡